Excellent Slogan

Posted by Christine on July 8, 2009 in Uncategorized |

As I drove home from the office last night, I found myself in front of a large truck and it appeared to have a bumper sticker on it. Normally I don’t pay attention to bumper stickers because I think they are annoying and I detest teenage girls who put hundreds of bumper stickers on the back of their car like it’s a canvas of rebellion. Listen Lady, it’s not an f’in art project, it’s a vehicle, don’t mutilate it. And then there are the parents who put the “my kid is an honor student at…”. I’m pretty sure there are other, more effective ways to brag about your kid than posting it on the ass of your hoopty. But anyways, I digress.

I noticed though that it wasn’t a bumper sticker, but rather seemed to be a company logo. Intrigued, I got a little closer and this is the logo I saw:



Go ahead. Laugh. You know you want to. I giggled all the way home.

The name of the company is ridiculous but the slogan…oh, that is priceless. Quite Catchy. Just rolls off the tongue. I wish I worked for that Marketing Team cause they must have a shitload of ideas. HA

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