Like a Virgin
I was playing with my daughter this weekend and she was feeding me all sorts of pre-fabricated, plastic food. Grapes, pizza, hotdogs, ice cream. Instead of gaining 400 pounds of plastic weight I decided to setup some of her dolls and let them increase their thigh size for awhile. And then this happened……. It […]
The Ant Trilogy- Part III
Internet, in the last episode of this daytime soap opera that I call my life, we were frantically making phone calls to exterminators in hopes of getting rid of the crunchy insects that were dwelling all over my kitchen. Initially when I found the little buggers, my husband and I thought they were fire ants […]
The Ant Trilogy- Part II
Luckily the ants that were residing in our garage have been gone for a few weeks now and have not returned; except for one minor detail. They must have been really liked our house because they mentioned it to all their other insect friends and it has become THE RESORT to go for the summer. […]
The Ant Trilogy- Part I
In early April, my husband and I decided that we were going to put in an Italian garage. AND WHAT IS THAT YOU MIGHT ASK??? See…first you must understand Italian culture to understand the need for an Italian garage. Reason number one for the Italian garage is that most Italians are fair skinned, so staying […]
Eye can see clearly now
Proof that I lack common sense: 6:30 am- Snooze alarm 6:45 am- FINE. I’ll get up already 6:46 am- Put on jeans and a semi decent t-shirt. Meaning I can’t wear the t-shirt that shows a toaster saying “I want you inside me” to the piece of toast 6:50 am- Pee. Wash face. Comb Hair. […]