Kid sized conference call
This week, my parents are on a cruise. It’s a well deserved vacation, especially after having spent countless days taking care of my family last year while I was laid up with that whole giant spleen thing. I hope they are fully enjoying themselves on their whirlwind tour of Mexico. Fear not, they are not […]
Couch slayer
Rory has been hot for standing lately. Strolling around in his walker is no longer acceptable, he wants to stand alongside some of the larger toys we have. Up until this past weekend, standing has been the extent of his actions. And then Rory got a little stronger and decided to be a tank and […]
Two man wolf pack
The children are raging against the machine; the sleep machine. Listen lady, I’m confident that both Rory and Cardin have taken a blood oath to never let us sleep through the night again. Truth. They have tiny baby alarms in each of their beds and they are set to go off within 2 hours of […]
Baltic baby
We’ve hopped onboard the Baltic amber teething necklace train. Don’t judge, I’m not going all witch doctor here. In a nutshell, it’s believed that Baltic Amber contains Succinic Acid and when it is heated against the skin it releases an all natural analgesic (that means ‘pain relief’ people) which helps to ease pain from newly […]
Nancy Drew
About four weeks ago I noticed a slight irritation developing on Cardin’s right thigh. It was a bunch of smallish red bumps. I asked her if they itched and she declared they did not so I assumed, like any good parent, that she probably irritated her skin with her clothes or some ridiculous dress up […]