Chasing Lasers

Posted by Christine on March 8, 2012 in Animals, Kids |

Cats are not the only mammals who will fall prey to chasing a laser beam. Small, naive children can also be subject to this form of entertainment. Often times, I see so much of my own naivety in Cardin’s antics and it makes me wonder what type of crap my parents pulled on me. httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gevBfxjLBIk&feature=channel […]


In the Buff

Posted by Christine on November 17, 2011 in Animals, Kids |

We put Cardin to bed last night about 9:30. I’d like to note that when I put her in bed then she was fully clothed but rather rambunctious. She is usually pretty good about putting herself to sleep without much assistance now; though she will read her buddies a book or talk to herself for a […]


Cleanup, Cleanup, Everybody, Everywhere

Posted by Christine on October 26, 2011 in Animals, Home |

I’ve been waiting to put away the EYE-talian garage in hopes that we’d be able to use it for Cardin’s upcoming birthday party. However, since snow is predicted for the week, we threw in the towel and spent much of the weekend cramming the shed chalk full of goodness. All of Cardin’s toys went downstairs […]


The Cat’s Meow

Posted by Christine on August 10, 2011 in Animals |

I’ve been working from home this week as our office is going through a remodel so the entertainment has been quite different. Typically I don’t have to test software while watching a two year old cut paper and ensure that we all come out with no bleeding extremeties. While I certaintly enjoy the short commute […]


Put it In, Take it Out

Posted by Christine on January 25, 2011 in Anatomy, Animals |

Cardin received a massive Playmobil zoo set from Santa this year. Two of the animal figurines were getting frisky last night. Luckily I caught it on tape. Picture this….interspecies animals gone wild. Here you will see the before image. Take note of the lighting and how the shading shows the contrast between the animals skin. […]

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