Peter Cottontail

Posted by Christine on April 3, 2012 in Kids, Shopping |

I’ve infrequently ventured outside the house lately because my belly seems to be smashing into inanimate objects and small children. Because of such, Cardin hit up the mall with my parents to go see the Easter Bunny. They kindly documented this occassion for me.   On a side note, I’m a little sad that she actually […]


Not like the other

Posted by Christine on February 13, 2012 in Anatomy, Shopping |

Last summer I broke my spectacles; right at the corner, where the band flexes to open or close. YEA. AWESOME. Except, at that point, the glasses were fairly new and I was fairly pissed as I had spent over $400 on them.  Since I don’t regularly wear my glasses and our vision insurance was awful, I […]


T-Shirt Glory

Posted by Christine on February 10, 2012 in Shopping |

Those of you that know me are aware that I have a small fetish when it comes to t-shirts. In fact, that’s my typical outfit no mater what the weather; jeans and a t-shirt. I have dozens of t-shirts and each year for Christmas, I ask Brett to buy me at least a dozen more. Most […]


Taking a Stand

Posted by Christine on February 7, 2012 in Home, Shopping |

About a year ago I bought a brand new 47 inch TV for Brett’s 30th birthday. It was fantastic, except for one minor problem….it didn’t fit in our TV stand. Since the TV stand was like a cabinet, with sides and a top, we were able to make some minor adjustments and just remove the […]


The serach

Posted by Christine on February 2, 2012 in Shopping |

With Rory scheduled to make an appearance in just about 15 weeks I’ve started to get some things ready for his arrival. I know, you’re all 15 weeks is sooooooo far away, why worry about that now? That’s an entire semester of college people!!  Think about how much ridiculousness we shoved into those minutes. Granted, I […]

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