T minus 100

Posted by Christine on August 21, 2012 in sports |

The countdown is on Lady. We are T minus 100 days until the big 3-0. Fear not, I have an app that alerts me to this situation.   I was having a really difficult time selecting how I wanted to ring in the dirty thirty. I really wanted to rent a private suite at the […]


The Claw! The Claw!

Posted by Christine on January 27, 2011 in Kids, sports |

Cardin has been doing this weird thing with her fingers lately so that it appears as though her hand is misshapen and it is very unnerving to me.  She crosses her ring finger over her pinky and maintains this posture with ease. Now, I can’t seem to perform this finger crossing act voluntarily, I actually […]


Do you need a permit to wield that?

Posted by Christine on September 9, 2009 in People, sports |

As I fought the throngs this morning to get to work I noticed a motorcycle pass me in the left lane. Normal motorcycle usage is relatively common in the area so it doesn’t usually strike me as odd. Except for this morning. The motorcycle that passed had a metal baseball bat jimmy-rigged to the “bumper” […]


Jenny from the block

Posted by Christine on July 22, 2009 in sports |

For those who don’t know me well, I’m a Miami Dolphins fan. Have been since that fateful day I born and the dolphins played the packers…they lost, but that’s not the point. The franchise has had its fair share of fumbles lately, but I have stayed steadfast in my loyalty. Not caving to the Western […]

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