Survival Skills Challenge
Others often ask how things are going with two kids wreaking havoc throughout the house. It’s a funny question if you were to consider it, because would it really be socially acceptable to give anything but a positive response? Imagine the looks I’d get if I was all, “Things are a bit of a struggle […]
Rewind 365 days
Rewind 365 days ago and our family of three was taking a long weekend trip to Columbus, Ohio. We took Cardin to the Columbus zoo and a children’s museum while in town for the holiday weekend. As short of a trip as this was, it will be a weekend I shall never forget. It was […]
Tower Power
Last week we celebrated Brett’s 31st birthday. whoooaaaa Boy, remember when I chronicled his decent to 30. Hard to believe that was a year ago. The most glorious part is…..I’m still months away from hitting 30 myself. I will always relish being younger!!!!!! There were no soiree’s out of the country this year, in fact we […]
And in Conclusion…
2011 is coming to a close and what would the year be without a recap of some of Listen Lady’s most awkwardly funny moments? I began 2011 with a few resolutions and I’m happy to report that I’ve exceeded my own expectations. I’ve blogged consistently for the year and have even been able to tackle more books […]
Pig Tail
Each year since getting married, Brett and I have gone to Stoke’s farm in Scottsville and cut down a Christmas tree. I’m all about the real Christmas tree; the fresh cut pine smell, the softness of the needles as you run your hand down a branch. Plus there is always bonus of thousands of pine needles strewn […]