
Posted by Christine on January 11, 2012 in Kids, People |

The week after Christmas I was avoiding any semblance of work so I decided to take a gander at local pre-schools in our area. We had an idea of where we wanted to send Cardin based on some recommendations from friends, but the whole idea of registering her seemed eons away.

Listen Lady, it’s a good thing I just happened to look because apparently you need to register your kid 7 months in advance. In fact, the pre-school we’ve picked starts its registration process the last week of January. Is this college now? Will Cardin also need to provide a life essay and recommendations?

Needless to say, it was a bit of a shock to both Brett and myself that we needed to come to a decision about Cardin’s schooling in such a short time frame. Actually, it was more overwhelming to think that I’ll be old enough to have a kid in pre-school; damn you 30th birthday.

Since Cardin’s birthday is in November, she is right on the edge of the cutoff for sending your child to school. With her language delay and the fact that she has minimal social interaction with other children, we agreed that two years of pre-school would suit her best. This will impact her enrollment in Kindergarten and she won’t start elementary school until age 6. She’ll likely always be the oldest in her class, but we truly believe the extra time for her to mature and develop her language skills is best. Plus then she’s not flying off to college at the meager age of 17.  

Tomorrow we have a meeting scheduled to see the pre-school and meet with the teacher. And then it hit me Lady, we should probably ask the teacher/school some questions. It seemed only reasonable as we would be entrusting them to watch and educate our child.

But what the hell were we supposed to ask??

I’ve never conducted an interview of this caliber and questions pertaining to homework, textbooks, or a class syllabus seemed out of line; yet this is all I’ve known of education. Luckily, there is this thing called google and a quick search provided me a slew of more age appropriate questions for the teacher; ones that involved daily activities, safety, and discipline.

Cardin is coming with us tomorrow to meet the teacher and see the pre-school room. I imagine that my anxiety over leaving my baby on the first day of school, with complete strangers and kids she has never met, will only grow as tomorrow comes to a close.

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