Man Down!

Posted by Christine on September 25, 2009 in food |

Yesterday I was eating lunch and in the midst of moving my arm, I managed to spill an entire can of iced tea ALL OVER MY LEG AND THE FLOOR. I rock. To top it off I had to get to a meeting in 30 minutes with a wet patch on my jeans that looked […]


Got a little Gas?

Posted by Christine on September 25, 2009 in Shopping |

  SERIOUSLY considering making this Cardin’s 1st Halloween Costume. It’s amazing. And with the amount of gas this kid actually expels it’s pretty much spot on. Listen Lady, I only have a couple years to pick out her outfit before she goes all slutty pirate on me.


My…that’s a lovely blouse.

Posted by Christine on September 23, 2009 in People, Shopping |

Internet, have I informed you lately of how much I despise shopping in a store. I never have time to get out to the store and that doesn’t bother me one bit. I’m the kind of person who lays out a plan of attack when I am forced to go to the store. I don’t dilly dally […]


wasted management

Posted by Christine on September 18, 2009 in customer service |

Who loves fighting with customer service reps about their bills? THIS GIRL RIGHT HERE. F me in the goat ass, I swear to you that lately, every bill I get, I need to call the company up and fight because the amount is not correct. And I’m not talking, “may I please speak to a […]


Jumbo Skinhead

Posted by Christine on September 17, 2009 in People |

I was trapsin’ through a local Halloween shop the other day looking for a costume for my daughter and I stumbled upon a classic find. I’m officially labeling this Halloween accessory to be the reason why there is so much hate in this world. Listen lady, it is just not right that we are selling this to […]

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