Petting zoo of filth

Posted by Christine on February 27, 2013 in Uncategorized |

Over the weekend we took the kids to an indoor “petting zoo & carnival”. Let me just lay the foundation for you here Internet. We got the true “carni” experience; from the missing teeth to the robust bellies, the uncleanly attire, all the way to the rather crass attitude. It was basically a clusterfuck of […]



Posted by Christine on February 25, 2013 in Uncategorized |

I have many nicknames for Rory; tank, bull, Godzilla, baby Rambo. This weekend he proved his bulldozer tendencies by giving me the mother of all fat lips. Listen lady, I looked like a victim of raging domestic violence fight. Rory bashed me hard enough with his forehead that my tooth went through my lip and […]


Rory has the clap

Posted by Christine on February 19, 2013 in Uncategorized |

The other day, Rory was racing around in his walker like one of those NASCAR racers. I have all my teeth, so I’m not “in the know” on any of their names. Except the woman one; Danica. I’m fairly sure I’m required to know her name since we utilize godaddy.com to host this domain. That […]


Baby porpoise

Posted by Christine on February 15, 2013 in Uncategorized |

Look…he is destined for life as a dolphins fan. It’s a pre-determined trait. httpv://youtu.be/FIMLydMYGiU No idea where this noise originated from, he just started making it the other day and now that’s pretty much the only noise he makes.


How do you Siri?

Posted by Christine on February 13, 2013 in Uncategorized |

Cardin has discovered Siri and its opened up endless hours of laughter into our house. The stuff that Siri comes up with is priceless. She mostly likes to use this Siri to text Brett. So last week, while we waited an hour to see the pediatrician, we took full advantage of all that Siri had […]

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