Aging gracefully?

Posted by Christine on February 18, 2011 in Uncategorized |

With Brett’s 30th birthday approaching quickly, I’ve been reminded lately of how we are aging. I thought I’d share with you the events, both previous and future, that have reminded me that I’m no spring chicken anymore.

1)      In the summer of 2010 I got a Facebook message from one of my high school class officers that informed us our 10 year reunion was approaching and we should start planning this event to make it spectacular.  Is it really possible that I’ve been out of Churchville for so long?

2)      That summer I also celebrated my 5 year anniversary at work. My boss even got me a cake to mark the occasion and I was happy to accept the 5 weeks of paid time off that accompanied my anniversary. Not many 5 year employees’ can say that.

3)      In November of 2010 Cardin had her birthday and we officially became parents to a terrible-twoer.  One who has an attitude and talks back to us. I’m so looking forward to the teenage years.

4)      Shortly before the holiday season of 2010 I went to a concert with some friends. That was sorta like I was reliving the awkward phase of middle school again. Except this time I wanted to go up to these kids and tell them that they were dressed WAY to inappropriately for their age. Most of these youngsters even had parents accompanying them to the concert and my friends and I noted that this would soon be us; embarrassing Cardin with our dance moves while she tried to melt into the wall.

5)      On January 1st of 2011 my Dad officially retired from Eastman Kodak, a place he had worked at for some 33 years. The company will always hold special meaning to me as it was a place that allowed my parents to provide my brother and I with a solid educational foundation.

6)      This month we found out that I’m going to be an aunt for the first time. My brother and his wife are expecting their first child in September, and while I’m super excited to spoil my new niece or nephew, it has made me realize that I’ll gain a new title. Hopefully I can live up to being the cool aunt.

7)      In a couple weeks Brett will have his birthday and I’ll officially be married to a thirty-something guy. Albeit one that still plays video games and watches too much sports center.

8)      Brett and I will celebrate 5 years of marriage this May and holy hell, who could have even imagined that the day he proposed. I’m grateful that we still make each other laugh and that there are times where we still surprise each other.

9)      This fall we will also toast to 5 years in our home. It has really come a long way and I’m proud of the blood, sweat, and tears that went into making it a comfortable place for us to rest our heads. Plus, we get to stop paying mortgage insurance this year bitches!!!!

10)   And the kicker…In November I will hit the big TWO NINE. The last year of my twenties. Unreal. It’s hard to imagine that we’ll be thirty soon. Spending time at parent teacher conferences and soccer games. Pretty soon we will start to lose touch with the happenings of the younger crowd and one day I’ll say something stupid like “SILLY BANDS. YOU KIDS ARE GOING APE SHIT FOR RUBBER BANDS THAT LOOK LIKE ANIMALS?”

Perhaps it’s not all downhill after 30. Maybe it’s just over another peak; one that includes laughter, good friends, and wine. I could probably make that work.

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