I want to do a “RAFT”

Posted by Christine on October 4, 2011 in Garden, Kids |

Since the weather was crappy this weekend, we decided to take Cardin to Garden Factory for some Fall Fun. You see Internet, during October Garden Factory hosts kids events. There are some small festival rides, kids can make crafts, there are pumpkins galore, and there is even a small area where they serve food.

Since Cardin is like the miniature version of Martha Stewart lately, this was perfect for her. She did nearly every craft that was available; decorating a pumpkin, sand art, coloring a wind chime. Here is a closeup of the sand art right after it was completed.

About 5 minutes after this picture was taken, the pumpkin experienced shaken baby syndrome first hand. Needless to say, it no longer looks as pristine.

After our “rafts” were finished we played a couple small games. She came away with these fancy skeleton sunglasses. I modeled them for Brett, he was not overly impressed. I however, think they’d be great bedroom attire.

Normally Cardin’s not keen on activities where we can’t also be involved, but she really surprised me this time around. She went down a giant slide and even rode a ferris wheel by herself. Hopefully this independence will assist when we are in Disney. Or it could totally bite us in the ass.

Kid wolfed down a giant pumpkin cookie too and her face was orange for the remainder of the day.




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