And in Conclusion…

Posted by Christine on December 29, 2011 in Family |

2011 is coming to a close and what would the year be without a recap of some of Listen Lady’s most awkwardly funny moments? I began 2011 with a few resolutions and I’m happy to report that I’ve exceeded my own expectations. I’ve blogged consistently for the year and have even been able to tackle more books than normal. Unfortunately, Brett never delivered on that midget personal assistant but there is always hope for 2012. Of course there were other big events throughout the year. Some happy, some sad; most importantly though we’ve grown closer as a family because of them all.

The beginning of the year saw a very significant birthday for Brett and while we didn’t get to celebrate Vegas style, gambling and hangovers were involved. Cardin fell in love with all things girl this year; especially princesses and we were lucky to be able to celebrate her third birthday with a trip to Disney World.

The spring months held some other milestones; Brett and I celebrated our 5 year wedding anniversary. Five years seems impossible and yet what will I say when we hit 10 years?? My dad retired from Kodak after 33 years and we gave him a party to celebrate such a remarkable achievement.

We had a summer full of appliance repair and construction of a new swingset, complete with clubhouse. We took a very memorable weekend trip to Columbus, Ohio where Brett and I likely have pending arrest warrants for littering due to a contaminated car seat.

We moved Cardin into her big girl bedroom and even announced the addition of a new family member. We partied away at three weddings this summer and most notably, I don’t recover from alcohol consumption as quickly as my 21 year old self.

The fall held the birth of my nephew Liam and a visit to Hoboken so Aunt Christine could see this little guy. While Cardin is still in speech therapy, she’s made significant progress in a year; so much progress that we now play the quiet game. The Fall was rounded out with a trip to zooboo where Cardin taunted the animals dressed as a hamburger.

The winter months saw celebration of the holidays with family and friends. And while we were 9 cookies short of reaching our ultimate goal for cookie day, the tradition continues.

So what of 2012 you ask?

We’ll start with trying to get Cardin fully potty trained before I pop out baby Diego. We’ll likely attempt to finish the landscaping and Cardin will start Pre-School in the Fall. There is also the unfortunate event of my 30th birthday looming in 2012.

Whatever the event, I’ll be sure to keep screaming out LISTEN LADY and blogging about our ridiculousness. Wishing you all a Happy New Year, filled with only the best.

~The Listen Lady Crew

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