Epidural Me!

Posted by Christine on April 11, 2012 in Uncategorized |

Last week, during one of my scheduled OB visits, we began discussing the details for inducing me prior to my expected due date. I was induced when I was pregnant with Cardin, so most of this was not a surprise for me.

One of the items that I had blocked out was the need for my platelet count to be over the 80 point mark. If my platelet count were to drop lower than this then I would not be qualified to receive an epidural for fear that my blood would not clot properly. As the doctor reviewed my recent blood work she noted that I was right on the cusp as my platelet level has been hovering right between the 80-90 range. Holy not cool batman!

This is not an atypical level for me, especially given my ginormous spleen, but is cause for concern, since I’ve no desire to deliver Rory while contending with contractions and the possibility of rupturing my cyst.

I know many people are strong proponents of natural birth and all, but this lady ain’t one of them. Bring on the drugs!! There are no awards given out to women who give birth without pain medication. Willingness to suffer through this pain while you are tired, scared, and irritable is not a sign of persistence and selflessness. In my opinion, it is a sign of questionable judgement. No doctor or nurse will think any worse of you for accepting medication to help relieve pain and ease the delivery.

When I got home from my last appointment, I did a google search to see what foods I could eat to increase help my platelet level. Some researchers mentioned leafy vegetables while others mentioned red fruit such as raspberries. Listen Lady, I sent Brett out on a mission for raspberries that day and in the past 2 weeks, I’ve likely consumed an entire orchard of raspberries. Ironically, my most recent round of blood work came back with the highest platelet levels for my entire pregnancy. Coincidence?

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