Ménage a Trois

Posted by Christine on October 8, 2012 in Uncategorized |

Turns out, I had three organs removed. Two spleens and a gallbladder. You read that correctly, TWO spleens. Listen lady, one gigantic spleen wasn’t enough, I needed an accessory spleen to go along with? Accessorizing is all the rage lately.

We received the official pathology report which lists the size and weight of the spleen. Although the surgeon said he has seen bigger, my spleen weighed in at 3.86 pounds with an impressive length of 10.24 inches. And you wonder why my incision is a good 9 inches?? After surgery, my spleen was aptly described to Brett as the size of a regulation football. Another indicator of my inclination towards football.

During this doctor visit I also had my staples removed. It was not painful, a little pinch and tug as the staples went flying through the air. My incision feels immensely better now that it’s not constrained by tiny metal clips.

On a side note, with the removal of organs and as my stomach adjusts to handling new food I’ve lost all the baby weight and am back down to “wedding weight”. Organ removal= excellent diet. I do not recommend.

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