
Posted by Christine on February 8, 2013 in Uncategorized |

Last weekend I took Cardin to the library to get out some books. The girl is hot for reading and writing lately so I thought I would take advantage of the situation.

She loves to go and play on the “puter” and with the germ infested puzzles and toys that are usually strewn about the floor. I usually pick out a few books, but for the most part she selects the books she wants.

Typically, she picks one shelf and manically empties it like the Tasmanian devil. As the books come flying at me, UFO style, she shouts about the contents of the cover. I’ve got all I can do to shield my eyes.

Usually the attack goes something like this…

“Mom, this one is about a cat.”
“Ma, how about this one, it’s got dinosaurs.”
“Mommy, LOOK PIRATES!!!!”

This continues until we fill the library bag or I lose an eye; whichever comes first. I’m excited that she is so pumped about books and reading. I hope the trend continues.

As we checked our books out, I asked the clerk if Cardin could sign up for a library card now that she was 4. Listen lady, Cardin was so ecstatic to have her own card to use; I think she may have shit rainbows and bunnies when I told her she got to sign her name on it. It was a pretty defining moment to watch her write her name on this card and realize how grown up she is.


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