Where stickers go to die

Posted by Christine on April 2, 2013 in Uncategorized |

Ever wonder what kids do with stickers that they have worn all day long? Listen lady, I have the answer. Maybe it’s not one of life’s greatest mysteries, but previously used stickers seem to have two fates in our house. Either they vanish into thin air or they manage to go through the washing machine.

Occasionally, I’ll find a random princess or rainbow stuck on the bottom of my sock, but, for the most part, stickers typically disappear into some sort of eternal purgatory in our abode. Cardin wears them home, and between the time we get home and she gets a bath, they have disappeared into a Bermuda Triangle. Does this happen with other children? Is it just Cardin, or do all kids have black holes when it comes to stickers.

While I was getting her dressed the other night after bath, she clued me in on her secret stash. She is hoarding stickers like its her job!!! She has an entire drawer dedicated to used stickers. Listen lady, this is where stickers go to die.

At this point I’m not sure if I should clean these out or be impressed. Maybe I should sign her up for a round of ‘my strange addiction’.

I should have expected this. We have to “save” everything for her. Any piece of paper, craft, minuscule fraction of a crumb she doesn’t consume needs to be saved. Now we just tell her we’ll save whatever treasure she has come to love for the present 30 seconds and when she forgets about it, throw it in the garbage and hide it under some other trash.

I’m hopeful it’s a phase because we are going to need a bigger house soon if we need drawers to hoard dead stickers.



Posted by Christine on March 26, 2013 in Uncategorized |

Lady, it’s been nearly seven years since my betrothal and subsequent house purchase. It’s time for a change….with the house folks; no need to start the rumor mill.

Maybe it’s cause I’m 30, but I started this project back in january when I got new pictures of the kids for the living room wall.


We had these pictures professional done, though it was quite the fiasco. In the end they turned out ok.

After this, I focused my efforts on a frame we had hung awhile back that depicted our last name formed from common objects. At the time we received the frame, I was expecting Rory, but I knew that I would eventually hang a family portrait underneath it. I think it works perfectly in our entryway.


The kitchen is still a work in progress. I have an idea of what I want to acquire and do with the largest wall, it’s a matter of money now. Re-decorating isn’t cheap bitches. I did manage to get this piece for the hallway. I read it to Cardin on a daily basis; maybe it will sink in.



Tickle tickle

Posted by Christine on March 22, 2013 in Uncategorized |

I started feeling like complete death on Sunday night and I knew the plague was upon us. Fever, chills, congestion. Of course, I had scheduled vacation time for Monday so I could take Rory for his 9 month checkup and then take both kids to the mall to see the devil…errrr…Easter bunny.

By Monday morning my fever had spiked above 100.5 and it was not because Beiber was playing on the radio. I would have taken a hammer to the thing first. This was the critical zone I was so strongly lectured about after my surgery. It went something along the lines of

“If you spike a fever over 100.5, you must immediately (DO NOT EVEN STOP TO PEE OR PASS GO)
1.) pop one of these death pills
2.) call your doctor right away to schedule an appointment”

Listen lady….I strayed from the plan. I called my doctor first. They ran a battery of tests, which included tickling my BRAIN. The doctor came in, all joking like, with a giant q-tip and goes “I’m just just going to swab inside your nose for the flu”. Being niave, i thought, oh, you want some snot….sure thing.

AT NO POINT DID HE SAY, I’M GOING TO TOUCH YOUR BRAIN WITH MY Q-TIP!!!! And then he was all, just relax. Oh really?? How about I touch your stomach through your belly button and tell you to just RELAX! Telling a patient to relax has the absolute opposite effect.

Since he could not immediately determine a cause for the fever, I started the death pills. I call them death pills because the list of side effects is massive. Now, I realize all drugs come with side effects, but this particular drug can cause you to rip ligaments and tendons. Just what I need as a lug around a 21 pound beast of a baby. Who needs their Achilles’ tendon???

Ever the good patient, I took the death pill for 2 days and for TWO DAYS I was a complete insomniac; another awesome side effect. By day 3 I was so jittery and wired I felt like Jesse in the episode of saved by the bell where she becomes addicted to the no doze. Where are you Zach Morris? Anyone who doesn’t understand this reference should have a sit me down with Netflix immediately.

The doctor finally switched my medication around on Wednesday and I was able to get some sleep. Each member of the family has developed their own variation on my illness so we are a full up on viruses’. The joy in our household is stupendous.

On a side note; I’m ready for spring so I can air out the house.


Humpty hump

Posted by Christine on March 15, 2013 in Uncategorized |

Rory has been army crawling for a few weeks now and he’s making great progress moving around on his own. He has officially mastered the slow topple from a sitting position onto his side or belly without it looking like a dead fish flopping around on the deck anymore.

However, we initially noticed that when we would lay him in his crib to sleep, he’d have to settle himself by “adjusting” his body. Listen lady, I put this in quotes because the adjustment consists of him humping his bed until he passes out. We laughed it off; figuring he was just getting comfortable.

That was until the humping behavior started to occur during the day; whenever you laid him on the floor. And now he has taken it a step further and does this hip thrusting when you hold him too. I’m not sure who it’s more awkward for; Brett or myself.

Listen lady, I realize he is just strengthening his thighs, hips, and legs in anticipation of full on crawl and walk; in fact in the past couple of days we have noticed his attempt to get on all fours and crawl, not just army crawl. Nonetheless it is quite humorous to witness




Posted by Christine on March 11, 2013 in Uncategorized |

The past 2 years we’ve used turbo tax to file our taxes. It’s been a fairly pain free process; though I had my concerns this year since I had been out on disability for so long. We ended in the positive, thanks to our new little tax deduction. Yay, Rory!

Each year we’ve been saving our tax return, like squirrels hoarding nuts, for our next house. We have no intent on staying in this area for the long term. It’s decent, but the school district isn’t what we prefer for the kids. Plus, we’d like to get into the same district as my parents so the whole busing situation becomes a little easier.

Ideally, we’re looking to build and having this extra store of cash was our means of paying for upgrades in the new house and all those “extras” that come along when you move. Not to worry though, we safely stow all this extra cash right under our mattress; please, trip my alarm system.

We are only hoping to move one more time and are anticipating that we can use what we’ve learned from our first do-it-yourself house as a learning experience; to garnish all the things we’d like in a new house.

Listen lady, it’s a whole lot of responsibility for one blog, but we are quickly leading up to financial awesomeness. I recently paid off the first of three student loans and am on track to pay off number 2 within a year. Freedom from this type of financial burden will be so amazing. I might just swim I’m all that extra cash.

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